Digital & Mobile Marketing – Arizona

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The dig­i­tal land­scape is chang­ing. (Your’s is, too.)

Think about it.

  • More than 75% of U.S. adults own a lap­top or desk­top com­puter.
  • Al­most 50% now own smart­phones.
  • Tablets have taken off. Ap­ple has sold more than 55 mil­lion iPads to date.
  • To­tal on­line ad spend­ing hit $32 bil­lion in 2011, a 23% in­crease from 2010.
  • Dig­i­tal ads now make up 20% of to­tal U.S. ad­ver­tis­ing.
  • Face­book now has 160 mil­lion AC­TIVE users in the U.S; 850 mil­lion glob­ally.
  • Growth pro­jec­tions make mo­bile and so­cial the new mar­ket­places.

Pan­ther is Your Full Ser­vice Dig­i­tal So­lu­tion

Pan­ther Mar­ket­ing un­der­stands how fast the dig­i­tal land­scape is chang­ing and how it can leave even the most suc­cess­ful busi­ness in the dust. Pan­ther has the tal­ent and re­sources to turn your busi­ness into a dig­i­tal pow­er­house. We work smart and fast to bring you up to speed and past your com­peti­tors. We will help you de­velop a sound dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­egy that takes ad­van­tage of the right mix of op­por­tu­ni­ties.

Pan­ther of­fers a full range of ser­vices that in­clude:

  • Search En­gine Op­ti­miza­tion (SEO)
  • Se­man­tic Search Op­ti­miza­tion
  • SEM and On­line Ad­ver­tis­ing
  • Web De­sign
  • Con­tent Cre­ation and Cu­ra­tion
  • So­cial Me­dia Mar­ket­ing
  • Mo­bile Mar­ket­ing

Think about it. If you want to leave your com­peti­tors in the dust, let Pan­ther Mar­ket­ing change your busi­ness land­scape. It’s time to go dig­i­tal.

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Mobile Marketing

Nearly 1 bil­lion global con­sumers now use smart phones and tablets. Ap­ples and An­droids are chang­ing the on­line land­scape and their use is grow­ing at whop­ping rate. Every hour, every minute and every sec­ond, thou­sands of new mo­bile cus­tomers are adopt­ing hand­helds to search, net­work and down­load apps.

If you aren’t mo­bile, you need to be.

Mo­bile mar­ket­ing is be­com­ing the pre­ferred way to do busi­ness—the way you get no­ticed, build your brand, en­gage your cus­tomers and sell your prod­uct. But it takes a well thought out strat­egy and a team that knows how to make “the small screen” work for you.

En­ter the Smart World of Mo­bile Mar­ket­ing

Pan­ther Mar­ket­ing has “Smart Team” who knows how to cre­ate a mo­bile strat­egy and ap­pli­ca­tions that fit per­fectly with your busi­ness. It all starts with know­ing your au­di­ence and de­vel­op­ing con­tent and con­nec­tions that they just have to have. We can cre­ate mo­bile apps that in­form, ed­u­cate, en­ter­tain, play with them, make them laugh—and sell your stuff.

Here are some ideas that we know work and may be just the mo­bile “ticket” you need to en­ter the smart world.

Put Your Face on the Small Screen

We can cre­ate apps (iPhone and/or An­droid based) that will en­gage your au­di­ence and con­nect them to YOU—your com­pany and your brand. We know how to de­sign for the small screen and write con­tent that is short, sweet and pow­er­ful.

And we can make your app do some amaz­ing things like:

  • One click and you can di­rect your fans and cus­tomers to your web­site/Face­book page.
  • One click and your fans and cus­tomers can make a di­rect pur­chase through Pay­Pal or Google Check­out
  • One click and con­nect with your fans and cus­tomers with blogs, email or pod­casts.
  • One click and send a text or push no­ti­fi­ca­tion
  • One click and send your cus­tomers a coupon and promo of­fer.
  • One click and di­rect your cus­tomers to your store, restau­rant or place of busi­ness.
  • One click and get im­me­di­ate feed­back from your fans and cus­tomers

Here is a host of ap­pli­ca­tions that may be just what you need to en­ter the mo­bile mar­ket­place and put your face on the small screen:

  • Pho­tos/Im­ages
  • Shop­ping Cart and Di­rect Pur­chase (Pay­pal or Google Check­out)
  • Push no­ti­fi­ca­tions
  • Cus­tomer Feed­back
  • Blogs
  • Emails
  • Pod­casts
  • Book Read­ers (for Kin­dle/Ama­zon)
  • SMS Tex­ting (push texts to your sub­scribers)
  • Emails (fans/cus­tomers have to opt-in to re­ceive them)
  • Face­book, Twit­ter, YouTube
  • Ra­dio

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