Content Creation & Copywriting in Scottsdale


Some peo­ple just don’t know what to say.

Other peo­ple know what to say, but not how to say it.

content-creation-insetThose are big prob­lems in a dig­i­tal world that is all about cre­at­ing, find­ing, or­ga­niz­ing and shar­ing con­tent.

Most busi­nesses agree that con­tent is their great­est chal­lenge. Keep­ing their dig­i­tal web­sites and so­cial me­dia fresh, rel­e­vant and ex­cit­ing takes time and tal­ent. In the high pres­sure world of SEO and se­man­tic search, con­tent is the dif­fer­ence be­tween land­ing on Page 1 or be­ing buried on Page 60. It’s con­tent with a cap­i­tal “C” that dri­ves so­cial me­dia.

If it’s done well, con­tent can cre­ate strong brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and loy­alty—and boost your sales rev­enue. Done badly, you lose big time to com­peti­tors who know the real dol­lar and in­trin­sic value of be­ing a thought leader and trusted source of in­for­ma­tion.

Pan­ther Mar­ket­ing has sea­soned con­tent cre­ators and cu­ra­tors who have years of ex­pe­ri­ence:

  • de­vel­op­ing cre­ative con­tent strate­gies
  • man­ag­ing con­tent for search en­gine op­ti­miza­tion
  • re­search­ing and writ­ing orig­i­nal con­tent
  • find­ing and or­ga­niz­ing con­tent to be shared
  • work­ing in dif­fer­ent for­mats (print, au­dio, video)
  • work­ing across plat­forms (dig­i­tal/so­cial/tra­di­tional)
  • keep­ing con­tent fresh, rel­e­vant and ex­cit­ing



Cu­rata’s 2012 Con­tent Cu­ra­tion Adop­tion Sur­vey put it this way—

“Hav­ing con­tent on­line is a must-have for brands. 95 per­cent of those we sur­veyed said that they are en­gag­ing with their prospects through con­tent on­line – pro­vid­ing cus­tomer sup­port and best prac­tices via their web­site, e-mail newslet­ter or so­cial me­dia plat­form. As the on­line world con­tin­ues to grow and likely be­come more chaotic and over­whelm­ing, tech­nolo­gies and strate­gies for or­ga­ni­za­tion and shar­ing the best, most rel­e­vant con­tent will be im­pos­si­ble to ig­nore.”

Con­tent is a must-have. Pan­ther can de­liver it.

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